The sunflower (or to be precise, Helianthus) is our 2rd biggest commodity as far as volume. Most of our (bird)feed business is involved around the sunflower, but the edible and organic market can also be served by us.
Sunflower seeds can be a healthy addition to the diet, providing essential nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. They are a suitable source of fiber and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As a good source of minerals, sunflower seeds may support healthy bones and skin.
The biggest part of our sunflower pie is being imported directly from Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Moldova. Smaller quantities could come from France, Poland, Hungary and Argentina.
Variaties & Counts
We can supply both sunflower kernels and in-shells (seeds). In kernels we do confectionery premium, confectionery, bakery premium, bakery (also high-oleic), chips. In inshells – we do many varieties on size, color and type. Colors would be black, striped and white as the most popular ones.

For (wild) bird food small seeds black and striped are most used in mixtures or as single feed. Larger striped seeds are required in smaller quantities for example in parrot mixtures. Well known types are Badger, Pioneer, Jumbo, Irregi, Jaguar, and Sunbird. Sunflower kernels or chips are used in smaller percentages in mixtures for (wild)bird or racing pigeons. Kernels and chips are also popular as single feed for the wild birds, because they do not have shells thus no weed will be grown in the gardens from fallen seeds.
When edible – as one of the most valuable ingredients in bakery industry. They can be an end, ready-to-use product or part of a mixture with other kernels – for seasoning of salads, meals, or even desserts. They can be with less oil, which makes them an excellent ingredient for every healthy diet.
Regarding packaging, there are many options: smaller poly / paper bags, small and big bags, with or without pallets. The packaging can be moved in bulk by kipper, silo truck or container. Customized labels are also standard in our portfolio.
Depending on customer’s requirements we can apply several processing steps with this commodity, from roasted up to salted, from cleaned to extra cleaned, etc.
Since sunflower is our main commodity for the feed market, we have certified ourselves with GMP+. This gives us the possibility to deliver product from non-GMP+ producers to customers that do require GMP+ material, we have the gate keeper role in this chain. Our quality department monitors all suppliers and goods in order to make sure everything will be according to all the regulations of the final market and of course specification of the buyer.
Are you interested in buying or selling sunflower? ➤ Please contact us via
Do you want to find out how the sunflower comes from its origin up and till your own facility? ➤ Please contact us via
Are you having thoughts about sunflower specifications and analysis? ➤ Please contact us via
Maasstraat 17
3016 DB Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Quality Assurance